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Project participants from Essen and Lure
The partnership “Taming my house“ between the Heinz-Nixdorf-Berufskolleg, a school in Essen specialising in electrical engineering and information technology, and the Lycée Professionnel Bartholdi in Lure, France, was decided during a preparatory visit.
On both sides, students and teachers worked in mixed-national pairs and groups. The concrete aim was to work with the students on exemplary measures for saving energy in houses with the help of modern bus technology (KNX). In this context, the German and French students in Essen learned how to program KNX components with the help of a PC. In France, these components were assembled into a finished energy-saving KNX system.
Between and during the exchanges, the pupils dealt with aspects of energy-saving household management and tracked down electricity guzzlers in their private or school environ-ment. They used modern measuring equipment and later exchanged the results of their measurements. In doing so, they applied their acquired language skills and also used English as a lingua franca for communication. They also developed improvement measures together.
Building the systems with KNX