HNBK Title
HNBK Title

Political education at the HNBK: Talk with the member of the Bundestag

The German version of this page is available here.

Photo of the exhibition visit with MP Matthias Hauer

On 26 October 2023, the class HI-23A, under the supervision of Dr. Lotfi, visited the travelling exhibition of the German Bundestag in the Frohnhauser Apostelkirche.

The students learnt about the tasks of the Bundestag, the work of the political groups in parliament and the modern, transparent design of the Reichstag building in Berlin. Afterwards, they had a personal meeting with Matthias Hauer (CDU), the directly elected member of the Bundestag for the Essen constituency III, which includes the HNBK. This gave the students the opportunity to discuss current political issues and raise questions. At the end of the visit, they could test their knowledge of the Bundestag in a quiz and win small gifts.

Text und photo: LOT

The German version of this page is available here.