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A previous European project of the HNBK with the Lycée Louis Armand in Nogent sur Marne: mixed teams from both teams built autonomous driving systems in March/April 2019.
The European Union is funding a project of the Heinz-Nixdorf-Berufskolleg with 50,910 euros within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. The project application under the title HNBK_ABROAD_EU1 was evaluated by EU experts and reviewers with 98 out of 100 points. Over a period of two years, trainees and students will complete an internship abroad and teachers will learn, observe and teach at the HNBK’s partner school in France for further education and training purposes.
With this success under the leadership of the European team, consisting of the teachers Dr. Jörg Dixkens, Alfred Lehmann and Vera Beeker, the HNBK can continue its previous successful European cooperation projects and take them to a new level.
The ERASMUS+ program of the European Union is designed to promote mobility in vocational education and training. The HNBK_ABROAD_EU1 project, now approved under this program, will run until September 14, 2021, and consists of two parts, each with several activities, with the HNBK’s partner school in France, the Lycée Louis Armand (LLA) in Nogent sur Marne, near Paris.
In the first part, 24 trainees from the HNBK as well as two future state-certified technicians will carry out an internship in France. Twelve trainees each take part in a trainee program with the partners ft he HNBK in France. This trainee program includes the development of autonomous automatic systems, such as robots. Furthermore, a stay of several days in a French company is planned.
In addition, two future state-certified technicians from the technical college of the HNBK will carry out their final projects in France, together with students from the corresponding course at the Lycée Louis Armand. The project work is done in cooperation with companies.
In the second part, eleven teachers will go to the Lycée Louis Armand (LLA) for in-service training:
Through the project, the participants expand their European competence in professional, intercultural and linguistic terms. They bring their experiences into the educational program and future internships abroad. The results flow into school development processes, quality development of learning stays (ECVET processes) and sustainable cooperative European work. The measure serves the certification within the framework of the Europass-Mobility.
For the HNBK this is a contribution to long-term quality development and improvement of its competitiveness.
For the students it means an improvement of their employability on the international labor market.
The German version of this page is available here.