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HNBK Title

HNBK goes Europe – AGAIN (Englisch version)

The German version of this page is available here.

Following the successful completion of the digital project in 2023, students from HI-22A and HI-22B continued their cooperation with Spanish students from the CIFP Rio Ebro in Burgos (Spain) as part of the Industry 4.0 project.

This year, the digital exchange was accompanied by Mr Weber and again by Ms Welzel.

The idea was to make our candy machine international. The German students prepared the material and instructions in English for assembling the conveyor belt of the candy machine, the centrepiece of the Industry 4.0 system.

In Spain, the students assembled the material with the help of the instruction videos and probably also some support from the local teachers.

And then things got serious.

In video conferences, the belts were programmed in international teams on the German and Spanish sides. And indeed – after a lot of explaining in English, via voice AIs and with hands and feet, all the belts moved!

Now that the foundations for an Industry 4.0 system have been laid in both Germany and Spain, we hope to meet in person in the coming school year and develop it further.

¡Vamos a España!

This purely digital project was supported by the Erasmus* programme. Thank you very much for that!

Text: WEL, Photos: WEL

The German version of this page is available here.